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Beware of K-S Test

  • Metadata
  • Summary: K-S test has various limitations and Anderson-Darling or Cramer-von Mises would be better.
  • Notes:
    • [[Kolmogorov-Smirnov test]] is a nonparametric hypothesis test that measures the probability that a chosen univariate
      • Dataset is drawn from the same parent population as the second dataset (two-sample K-S test) or a continuous model (the one-sample K-S test)
      • K-S test is based on measuring the supremum (greatest) distance between the empirical distribution function (EDF) of a univariate dataset and the comparison step function of the second dataset (or ites cumulative distribution function)
      • The underlying distribution is assumed to be continuous.
      • Benefits of the K-S test is that it is distribution free, universally applied (no restrictions on sample size), critical values are widely available, can serve as goodness-of-fit test and easy to compute.
      • However, it is misleading in many ways as well.
        • K-S test require the EDFs to differ in a global fashion near the center of the distribution, but if the distributions are adjusted to have the same mean values
        • So if the EDFs cross each other multiple times and the maximum deviation is reduced, a better test would be the Cramer-von Mises (CvM) test
    • [[Cramer-von Mises test]] measures the sum of square deviations between the EDFs.
      • If the EDFs have differences near the beginning or end of distributions, K-S and CvM don't do well because the differences at the ends are small
    • [[Anderson-Darling test]] was developed as a weighted CvM test to overcome this
      • K-S test probabilities are wrong if the model was derived from the dataset
      • To overcome this, we can bootstrap the sample
      • The K-S test cannot be applied in 2 or more dimensions